In February of 2019, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.  After some doctors’ appointments, I underwent surgery to remove the tumor from my foot.Seven weeks ago, I began 5-weeks regimen of radiation treatment on my left foot. The first 3 weeks went well. As the radiation built up in my system, though, that changed. It was tender at first and because it’s on the bottom of my foot, it hurt to walk. By the end of treatment two weeks ago, I was in tears. The fatigue from the pain meds made me unable to drive, so my dad took me the last day.

I love to garden and in this heat the gardens need to be watered every day. I need to walk my dog, Tommy, twice a day too. But I can’t. So Dad has been watering the gardens and has walked Tommy for me some mornings. My good friend, Kay, lives around the corner and has been coming over faithfully to take Tommy for a walk in the evening after it’s cooled off.

Between the two of them, I’ve been able to just take care of healing my foot with the medicine and resting it a lot, knowing the rest is taken care of.


  • Ellen

    Ellen is originally from California and moved to South Carolina in 2002. She is active as a Stephen Minister in her church and enjoys gardening. Ellen has been through and continues to battle multiple medical trials. She shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual battles and victories she's had with anyone who will listen.