I was shelving some children’s videos at the library when she spotted me. I looked down and saw a little girl, maybe 5 or 6 years old, looking up at me. “Hi. How are you?” I said. “Do you need something?” She asked if we had a certain book. “Well, let’s see. Is it in a series?” She nodded, smiling. “Ok.” I led her to the next aisle. “They’re in alphabetical order by series here.’ I said. She looked and looked on one shelf, then the next. “Is it there?” She shook her head. “Ok. We can ask them at the desk. Do you want me to go with you?” She nodded several times. Sweet, I thought to myself.

We walked up to the circulation desk and Debbie spotted me. Nodding to me, she asked what was up. I asked her if we had the series. “They’re in the 745.5 section but you might not find it. They’re pretty popular.”

“Thanks.” I took the little girl’s hand and we headed over to the shelf. “She said they’re in this section but it could already be checked out. If it is, we can order it for you, okay?” “Ok,” she said. Thumbing through the books, she grabbed one.

“You found it?” She held it up to me, showing me the cover. “Yay!” I said.  I started walking away and suddenly two arms wrapped around my legs, as she reached as high as she could. I just smiled. “You’re welcome.”

I went about shelving more books on the other side of the library. About 15 minutes later, she wandered over and gave me a big smile and a wave when she saw me.

I t was the cutest thing. All I’d done was help her find a book, but it meant a lot to her. Sometimes the smallest of things matter a lot to someone else.


  • Ellen

    Ellen is originally from California and moved to South Carolina in 2002. She is active as a Stephen Minister in her church and enjoys gardening. Ellen has been through and continues to battle multiple medical trials. She shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual battles and victories she's had with anyone who will listen.