Here’s another great review from Suzy Parish…

Hello, Favorite Friday Fiction Fans! Every night I intended on closing my Kindle and drifting off to sleep but I always jerked awake to read one more chapter. Justice Delivered is a sleep-stealer in a good way. Bradley’s chapters are fast-paced and the characters believable. She addressed the blight of sex trafficking in a well-crafted manner. She told just enough so the reader knew what was going on, but was not assaulted by horrific images. The main character, Carly Smith, develops in a believable way and I enjoyed trying to figure out who the “bad guys” were. Thank you, Patricia Bradley, for a great read. 5 stars!

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Justice Delivered
Carly Smith came by her trust issues honestly. A victim of sex trafficking, she’s been at the mercy of merciless men, ignored by law enforcement officers who should have helped her, and seemingly rejected by her family. She can’t even trust herself to do the right thing. Though she escaped her captors and is working hard on building a new life, the past continues to haunt her when she discovers that the man she couldn’t bring herself to report to police for fear of reliving her captivity is still out there, luring vulnerable girls under the guise of being a modeling agent.
When her own niece is kidnapped, Carly must overcome her fears and come forward with the information she has before it’s too late. When that proves to be not enough, she’ll have to go after the perpetrators herself.
-Award-winning author Patricia Bradley keeps the suspense taut and the stakes high in this fast-paced story that will heave readers turning pages long into the night.

Suzy Parish:
Praise for Flowers from Afghanistan by Patricia Bradley:
This is Suzy Parrish’s debut novel and she nailed it. The opening grabbed me and propelled me into the story. Her descriptions of Afghanistan made me feel I was there, even to feeling the sand in my shoes. Great dialogue between the characters cemented the sense of being a part of their lives.
Mac and Sophie have a lot to work through, and Parish does a great job of getting them there without being clichéd. The relationship between the men working in Afghanistan enhanced the story and Mac’s growing love for Bashir, a young Afghan boy, touched my heart. If you enjoy a story of second chances and redemption, you’ll enjoy Flowers From Afghanistan.–Patricia Bradley is the author of Justice Delayed, Justice Buried, and Justice Betrayed.


  • Jennifer Hallmark

    Jennifer Hallmark writes Southern fiction with a twist. Her website and newsletter focus on her books, love of the South, and favorite fiction. She creates stories with unforgettable characters—her stories are a little eerie and otherworldly but with a positive turn. Jessie’s Hope, her first novel, was a Selah Award nominee for First Novel. Her latest novel, Smoking Flax, will be released on January 16th, 2024. When she isn’t babysitting, gardening, or exploring the beautiful state of Alabama, you can find her at her desk penning fiction or studying the craft of writing. She also loves reading and streaming fantasy, supernatural stories, and detective fiction from the Golden Age or her favorite subject—time travel.