By Ellen Andersen

What an amazing book! Hinds Feet on High Places is an allegory of the Christian life, with its trials and temptations, ups and downs, failures and successes.Hinds' Feet on High Places

A young Christian woman, Much-Afraid, lives with her family, the Fearings, in the Valley of Humiliation. She serves the Chief Shepherd in the village and longs to go with Him to the High Places. But finds herself held back by her family and personal weaknesses, both physical and emotional.

Journey with Much-Afraid and her companions Sorrow and Suffering as they follow the Shepherd through dangers, toils, and snares to the high places of God’s love. This beautiful allegory is written in the tradition of Pilgrim’s Progress. It includes a brief autobiography and Hurnard’s account of how she came to write her beloved classic.


  • Ellen

    Ellen is originally from California and moved to South Carolina in 2002. She is active as a Stephen Minister in her church and enjoys gardening. Ellen has been through and continues to battle multiple medical trials. She shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual battles and victories she's had with anyone who will listen.