By Ellen Andersen

“What kind of plans do you have for Mom’s birthday?” I asked Dad. He had no idea what to do and suggested we both think about it. Mom’s easy to please, but what should we do to celebrate her birthday this year?

I suggested we go out to a nice restaurant with some friends. Dad thought it was a good idea and made reservations at a nice place they both like. He invited several other friends to join us. The fun part was that we kept it a surprise. Mom’s birthday was on a Friday this year and the annual festival Fall for Greenville was the same weekend. So, Dad told her they’d go out to Augusta Grill for a nice dinner then go to the festival for a couple of hours.

I eat with them every Thursday, so when I went that week, I took her gift, making her think I wouldn’t see her the next day. Dad gave her the gift he’d bought her too, which she loved. He thanked me for being willing to celebrate it a little early. “Sure,” I said, pulling the wool over her eyes a little more.

Dad had made reservations for 6:00 and made sure he and mom got there a few minutes late so we would all be seated when they arrived. When they walked in, Mom saw me and pointed at me, with a smile at the surprise. Then she saw everyone else. No one was sure she’d be surprised because she’s pretty good at figuring things like this out but when someone asked her if she was in fact surprised, she said, “Yeah!” We’d pulled it off.

We all had a wonderful time eating and talking together for a few hours. It wasn’t fancy, but it didn’t have to be. Spending time with friends and family who love you is what matters most.

Click to tweet: Birthday act of #kindness. We all had a wonderful time eating and talking together for a few hours. It wasn’t fancy, but it didn’t have to be. Spending time with friends and #family who love you is what matters most.


  • Ellen

    Ellen is originally from California and moved to South Carolina in 2002. She is active as a Stephen Minister in her church and enjoys gardening. Ellen has been through and continues to battle multiple medical trials. She shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual battles and victories she's had with anyone who will listen.