Welcome to the Determined to Dance podcast with your host, Jennifer Hallmark. Today’s episode, “4 Ways to Conquer Procrastination and the Fear of Success” focuses on how our worry over the price of success doesn’t have to sabotage our future.

Are you ready? The world would have us march to its chaotic beat but God invites us to dance in His will and His way. Let’s take a moment to be energized, refreshed, and motivated to face the day, one spin and twirl at a time.

Show Notes: 4 Ways to Conquer Procrastination and the Fear of Success

Success. Accomplishing an aim or goal. You finished washing the laundry, the dishes, or the car. You are a success. A goal was set and reached. We were determined to dance and triumphed. Easy, right?

Yes and no. What I found in studying the fear of success is that we usually don’t fear the true meaning of success, undertaking and completing something. Our anxiety attacks when it’s something more meaningful than the ordinary. We’re not talking about chores but changes that profoundly affect our lives. Our concerns are much deeper and grounded in truth. There is a price to pay for being successful, no matter if you thrive a little or a lot.

If we’re successful, we might:

Receive too much attention.

Be asked to do more than we are able.

Not be able to keep it up.

Lose friends.

Be disappointed.

And all this is true. Success can change our lives, in good ways and not-so-good ways. Factor in the unknown future of success and we…

Procrastinate. Stall. Hesitate.

The problem comes when we wait too long and the opportunity to succeed passes us by. A position at our job opens and while we go round and round trying to decide, someone else takes it. A contest that publishes short stories is perfect for our story but we keep trying to perfect our work until we miss the deadline. The local choir is holding auditions but our indecision keeps us home where it is safe.



And many times not on the dance floor with God. Fear of success can rob us of our hopes, our dreams, and our future.

I’ve struggled with the fear of success. Every time I started a new job, accepted a new position at work or tried to go to the next level in any part of my life, doubt attacked me. The same way it does you.

When I was in preparation mode to start this podcast, I worried about everything, especially success. That might mean lots of listeners. The more listeners, the more chance for criticism. Of me. Could I handle that? What if I were misunderstood? Hindered people instead of helping them? I weighed options over and over, especially the name and purpose of the podcast. Could I continue to talk about persevering in the face of the chaotic when my life got chaotic? How real would I need to be? Did people have to see every flaw and how far from perfect I really am? After months of weighing the options, I finally took concrete steps to overcome the fear of success and move forward:

  1. Realized that the fear of success was very similar to the fear of failure. It’s a feeling unfounded in truth. I don’t know where life will lead and doomsday scenarios rotating in my mind don’t reflect real life. A podcast is simply a podcast and I just needed to start.
  2. Began to plan accordingly. I thought of one person, my friend Joyce, and planned the podcast like I was talking to her at a coffee shop with a large vanilla latte. Words of encouragement with no pressure.
  3. Quit overthinking. It’s part of that planner in me. In the Old Testament, God sent the Israelites food (manna) while they journeyed to the promised land. The part that always stood out to me was that he only gave them enough for one day at a time. They couldn’t store it up. I plan one podcast at a time, record it, then let it go until the next week.
  4. Think of others. When we experience success, we give other people permission to succeed also. And hopefully, the courage to step out on the dance floor of their own lives and the purpose and plan God has for them.

Now it’s time to dance. I’m focusing on the present and enjoying creating an encouraging podcast each week. It’s challenging at times but that is part of the joy. It’s not safe or comfortable but it is real and fun and a wild ride.

I love the Chronicle of Narnia books by CS Lewis. One of my favorite parts is when Mr. Beaver talks about Aslan the lion:

“Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion.”

“Ooh,” said Susan. “I’d thought he was a man. Is he quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion”…

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver …” Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

Let’s pray: Father God, we come to you as we fight against fear. At times, we’re afraid to move forward because the very thought of being successful is far from our comfort zone. But playing it safe is boring and we want what You want. We place our lives and our plans in your hands. You are good and we believe. Thank you for inviting us to your dance. In Jesus’ name, amen.

God never puts more on us than we can handle so we can trust Him with our failures and our successes. Next week, we will cover a topic many of us struggle with. Being too busy and how that can cause us to completely step away from the dance floor.

Until then, stay determined to dance.

Future topics include:


Reflection and Prayer.

What will people think?

Continue to dance.

Links mentioned in this episode:

My website

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Remember: 4 Ways to Conquer Procrastination and the Fear of Success

Video of the week:

I absolutely love music and each week, I’d like to share a relevant song we can enjoy together.




  • Jennifer Hallmark

    Jennifer Hallmark writes Southern fiction with a twist. Her website and newsletter focus on her books, love of the South, and favorite fiction. She creates stories with unforgettable characters—her stories are a little eerie and otherworldly but with a positive turn. Jessie’s Hope, her first novel, was a Selah Award nominee for First Novel. Her latest novel, Smoking Flax, will be released on January 16th, 2024. When she isn’t babysitting, gardening, or exploring the beautiful state of Alabama, you can find her at her desk penning fiction or studying the craft of writing. She also loves reading and streaming fantasy, supernatural stories, and detective fiction from the Golden Age or her favorite subject—time travel.